The potential purpose of this module is to understand and categorize home automation devices and their attributes, such as routines and structures, to provide more accurate and relevant search results for users searching for home automation-related topics.
This module could impact search results by allowing Google to better understand the context and intent behind home automation-related searches, and provide more precise and relevant results that match the user's query. For example, if a user searches for "smart home routines", Google may prioritize results that specifically discuss structure-based routines, providing a more accurate and helpful response to the user's query.
A website may change things to be more favorable for this function by providing clear and structured data about their home automation devices and attributes, such as routines and structures, using schema markup and other optimization techniques. This would allow Google to better understand the website's content and provide more accurate and relevant search results. Additionally, using relevant and descriptive keywords, and providing high-quality and informative content related to home automation, may also improve the website's visibility and ranking for related searches.
Voting helps other researchers find interesting modules.
Protos representing device or structure attributes. See go/hgs-attributes-protos. Only protos approved and formalized by assistant/HG team should be added here.
Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.
@type t() :: %GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantVerticalsHomeautomationProtoAttribute{ structureBasedRoutine: GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantVerticalsHomeautomationProtoCommonStructureBasedRoutine.t() | nil }
@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()