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An Id contains the identifiers used to reference this topic (entity) in the Knowledge Graph. The Knowledge Graph supports several forms of identifiers: - "mids" (machine ids) that are assigned at creation time, and support a resolution mechanism that tracks topics after they are merged (for more about mids, see go/kg-mid), - "ids" are human-readable ids (HRIDs) that are derived from a namespace hierarchy stored in Knowledge Graph, and a set of rules, - "guids" are low-level ids historically used in Freebase (pre-Knowledge Graph, deprecated). Only the mid and id are supplied here. Note that mids can be converted to guids or uint64s (see //metaweb/util/mid/mid.h).
Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.
@type t() :: %GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.FreebaseId{ id: String.t() | nil, mid: String.t() | nil }
@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()