
AI Overview😉

  • The potential purpose of this module is to analyze and extract metadata from video files, specifically data streams that are separate from the audio and video streams. This could include information such as camera motion metadata.
  • This module could impact search results by allowing Google to better understand the content of video files and provide more accurate and relevant search results. For example, if a user searches for videos with specific camera motion metadata, Google could use this module to identify and rank videos that match that criteria.
  • To be more favorable for this function, a website could ensure that their video files include accurate and complete metadata, including data streams that are separate from the audio and video streams. This could involve using standardized formats for metadata, such as the Wally format mentioned in the leak, and providing detailed information about the video content. Additionally, websites could consider using schema markup to provide Google with additional context about their video content.

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GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.VideoVideoStreamInfoDataStream (google_api_content_warehouse v0.4.0)

Data streams refer to additional data separate from audio and video streams For example: camera motion metadata (see http://go/wally-format) Available tags: 4+


  • codecFourcc (type: String.t, default: nil) -
  • codecId (type: String.t, default: nil) - Codec information
  • streamCodecTag (type: String.t, default: nil) -
  • streamIndex (type: String.t, default: nil) - Index of the stream in the file





decode(value, options)

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


Link to this type


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.VideoVideoStreamInfoDataStream{
  codecFourcc: String.t() | nil,
  codecId: String.t() | nil,
  streamCodecTag: String.t() | nil,
  streamIndex: String.t() | nil


Link to this function

decode(value, options)

@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.