
AI Overview😉

  • The potential purpose of this module is to handle connections and requests to the Google Content Warehouse API. It provides functions for performing various types of HTTP requests (e.g. GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE) and allows for customization of these requests through options.
  • This module could impact search results by allowing for more efficient and customizable communication with the Google Content Warehouse API. This could lead to more accurate and relevant search results, as well as improved performance and scalability.
  • To make their website more favorable for this function, a website could ensure that their API is properly configured and optimized for communication with the Google Content Warehouse API. This could involve implementing proper authentication and authorization mechanisms, as well as ensuring that their API is scalable and can handle a high volume of requests. Additionally, the website could ensure that their data is properly formatted and organized, making it easier for the Google Content Warehouse API to process and return relevant search results.

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GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Connection (google_api_content_warehouse v0.4.0)

Handle Tesla connections for GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.




Options that may be passed to a request function. See request/2 for detailed descriptions.



delete(client, url, opts)

Perform a DELETE request.

delete!(client, url, opts)

Perform a DELETE request.

execute(connection, request)

Execute a request on this connection

get(client, url, opts)

Perform a GET request.

get!(client, url, opts)

Perform a GET request.

head(client, url, opts)

Perform a HEAD request.

head!(client, url, opts)

Perform a HEAD request.


Configure an authless client connection


Configure a client connection using a function which yields a Bearer token.

options(client, url, opts)

Perform a OPTIONS request.

options!(client, url, opts)

Perform a OPTIONS request.

patch(client, url, body, opts)

Perform a PATCH request.

patch!(client, url, body, opts)

Perform a PATCH request.

post(client, url, body, opts)

Perform a POST request.

post!(client, url, body, opts)

Perform a POST request.

put(client, url, body, opts)

Perform a PUT request.

put!(client, url, body, opts)

Perform a PUT request.

request(client \\ %Tesla.Client{}, options)

Perform a request.

request!(client \\ %Tesla.Client{}, options)

Perform request and raise in case of error.

trace(client, url, opts)

Perform a TRACE request.

trace!(client, url, opts)

Perform a TRACE request.


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@type option() ::
  {:method, Tesla.Env.method()}
  | {:url, Tesla.Env.url()}
  | {:query, Tesla.Env.query()}
  | {:headers, Tesla.Env.headers()}
  | {:body, Tesla.Env.body()}
  | {:opts, Tesla.Env.opts()}

Options that may be passed to a request function. See request/2 for detailed descriptions.

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@type t() :: Tesla.Env.client()


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delete(client, url, opts)

@spec delete(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), [option()]) :: Tesla.Env.result()

Perform a DELETE request.

See request/1 or request/2 for options definition.

delete("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
delete(client, "/users")
delete(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
delete(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})
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delete!(client, url, opts)

@spec delete!(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), [option()]) ::
  Tesla.Env.t() | no_return()

Perform a DELETE request.

See request!/1 or request!/2 for options definition.

delete!("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
delete!(client, "/users")
delete!(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
delete!(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})
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execute(connection, request)

@spec execute(Tesla.Client.t(), GoogleApi.Gax.Request.t()) :: {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}

Execute a request on this connection


  • {:ok, Tesla.Env.t} - If the call was successful
  • {:error, reason} - If the call failed
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get(client, url, opts)

@spec get(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), [option()]) :: Tesla.Env.result()

Perform a GET request.

See request/1 or request/2 for options definition.

get("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
get(client, "/users")
get(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
get(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})
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get!(client, url, opts)

@spec get!(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), [option()]) ::
  Tesla.Env.t() | no_return()

Perform a GET request.

See request!/1 or request!/2 for options definition.

get!("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
get!(client, "/users")
get!(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
get!(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})
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head(client, url, opts)

@spec head(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), [option()]) :: Tesla.Env.result()

Perform a HEAD request.

See request/1 or request/2 for options definition.

head("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
head(client, "/users")
head(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
head(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})
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head!(client, url, opts)

@spec head!(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), [option()]) ::
  Tesla.Env.t() | no_return()

Perform a HEAD request.

See request!/1 or request!/2 for options definition.

head!("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
head!(client, "/users")
head!(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
head!(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})
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@spec new() :: Tesla.Client.t()

Configure an authless client connection


  • Tesla.Env.client
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@spec new(String.t()) :: Tesla.Client.t()
@spec new(([String.t()] -> String.t())) :: Tesla.Client.t()

Configure a client connection using a function which yields a Bearer token.


  • token_fetcher (type: list(String.t()) -> String.t()) - Callback which provides an OAuth2 token given a list of scopes


  • Tesla.Env.client
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options(client, url, opts)

@spec options(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), [option()]) :: Tesla.Env.result()

Perform a OPTIONS request.

See request/1 or request/2 for options definition.

options("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
options(client, "/users")
options(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
options(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})
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options!(client, url, opts)

@spec options!(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), [option()]) ::
  Tesla.Env.t() | no_return()

Perform a OPTIONS request.

See request!/1 or request!/2 for options definition.

options!("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
options!(client, "/users")
options!(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
options!(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})
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patch(client, url, body, opts)

@spec patch(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), Tesla.Env.body(), [option()]) ::

Perform a PATCH request.

See request/1 or request/2 for options definition.

patch("/users", %{name: "Jon"})
patch("/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
patch(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"})
patch(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
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patch!(client, url, body, opts)

@spec patch!(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), Tesla.Env.body(), [option()]) ::
  Tesla.Env.t() | no_return()

Perform a PATCH request.

See request!/1 or request!/2 for options definition.

patch!("/users", %{name: "Jon"})
patch!("/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
patch!(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"})
patch!(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
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post(client, url, body, opts)

@spec post(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), Tesla.Env.body(), [option()]) ::

Perform a POST request.

See request/1 or request/2 for options definition.

post("/users", %{name: "Jon"})
post("/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
post(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"})
post(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
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post!(client, url, body, opts)

@spec post!(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), Tesla.Env.body(), [option()]) ::
  Tesla.Env.t() | no_return()

Perform a POST request.

See request!/1 or request!/2 for options definition.

post!("/users", %{name: "Jon"})
post!("/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
post!(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"})
post!(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
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put(client, url, body, opts)

@spec put(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), Tesla.Env.body(), [option()]) ::

Perform a PUT request.

See request/1 or request/2 for options definition.

put("/users", %{name: "Jon"})
put("/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
put(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"})
put(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
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put!(client, url, body, opts)

@spec put!(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), Tesla.Env.body(), [option()]) ::
  Tesla.Env.t() | no_return()

Perform a PUT request.

See request!/1 or request!/2 for options definition.

put!("/users", %{name: "Jon"})
put!("/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
put!(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"})
put!(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
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request(client \\ %Tesla.Client{}, options)

@spec request(Tesla.Env.client(), [option()]) :: Tesla.Env.result()

Perform a request.


  • :method - the request method, one of [:head, :get, :delete, :trace, :options, :post, :put, :patch]
  • :url - either full url e.g. "" or just "/some/path" if using Tesla.Middleware.BaseUrl
  • :query - a keyword list of query params, e.g. [page: 1, per_page: 100]
  • :headers - a keyworld list of headers, e.g. [{"content-type", "text/plain"}]
  • :body - depends on used middleware:
    • by default it can be a binary
    • if using e.g. JSON encoding middleware it can be a nested map
    • if adapter supports it it can be a Stream with any of the above
  • :opts - custom, per-request middleware or adapter options


ExampleApi.request(method: :get, url: "/users/path")

# use shortcut methods
ExampleApi.get("/users/1"), "/users", %{name: "Jon"})
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request!(client \\ %Tesla.Client{}, options)

@spec request!(Tesla.Env.client(), [option()]) :: Tesla.Env.t() | no_return()

Perform request and raise in case of error.

This is similar to request/2 behaviour from Tesla 0.x

See request/2 for list of available options.

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trace(client, url, opts)

@spec trace(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), [option()]) :: Tesla.Env.result()

Perform a TRACE request.

See request/1 or request/2 for options definition.

trace("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
trace(client, "/users")
trace(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
trace(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})
Link to this function

trace!(client, url, opts)

@spec trace!(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), [option()]) ::
  Tesla.Env.t() | no_return()

Perform a TRACE request.

See request!/1 or request!/2 for options definition.

trace!("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
trace!(client, "/users")
trace!(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
trace!(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})