
AI Overview😉

  • Potential purpose of module: This module, TeragoogleDocumentInfoSection, appears to be responsible for processing and storing document information, such as field names, section names, and tokens (likely representing the content of the document). Its purpose is to create a structured representation of a document's content, which can be used for search and retrieval purposes.
  • Impact on search results: This module could impact search results by influencing how documents are indexed and ranked. The structured representation of document content created by this module could be used to improve the accuracy of search results, especially for searches that rely on specific fields or sections within a document. It may also enable more advanced search features, such as faceted search or filtering by specific fields.
  • Optimizing for this function: To be more favorable for this function, a website could ensure that its documents are well-structured and contain clear, descriptive field names and section headers. This could involve using standardized metadata formats, such as schema.org, and providing explicit sectioning and headings within documents. Additionally, websites could consider using tokenization techniques to pre-process their content, making it easier for the TeragoogleDocumentInfoSection module to extract and store relevant information.

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GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.TeragoogleDocumentInfoSection (google_api_content_warehouse v0.4.0)

Sections to be added to the dynamic repository the docservers build. 'tokens' is either a sequence of tokens encoded using the TokenSequenceEncoder (MDU), or a TokenspaceRepository (depends on what's set in section_type. If 'doc' is present, then the contents of these sections override what was created by parsing 'doc'.


  • fieldName (type: list(String.t), default: nil) - List of field repository (subsection) names within the section.
  • name (type: String.t, default: nil) -
  • tokens (type: String.t, default: nil) -





decode(value, options)

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


Link to this type


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.TeragoogleDocumentInfoSection{
  fieldName: [String.t()] | nil,
  name: String.t() | nil,
  tokens: String.t() | nil


Link to this function

decode(value, options)

@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.