
AI Overview😉

  • The potential purpose of this module is to extract and display book-specific numbering information, such as volume and issue numbers, in search results. This helps users quickly identify the specific book or publication they are looking for.
  • This module could impact search results by making it easier for users to find specific books or publications within a series. It could also help to disambiguate search results by providing more precise information about the book being searched for. This could lead to more accurate and relevant search results, improving the overall user experience.
  • To be more favorable for this function, a website could ensure that their book metadata, such as volume and issue numbers, is accurately and consistently formatted. This could involve using standardized schema and formatting for book metadata, and making sure that this information is easily accessible to search engines. Additionally, websites could provide clear and concise title tags and descriptions that include relevant book-specific numbering information, making it easier for search engines to extract and display this information in search results.

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GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.OceanDocTagBookSpecificNumberingRange (google_api_content_warehouse v0.4.0)

These are copies of MetadataNumberingRange's from ocean/metadata/metadata_range.proto. They should be used for rendering volume numbering information in search results (as this protobuf is the only piece of data available at that point). The numbering can look like "Volume 1" or "Parts A-D" Schema is volume/part/etc, type arabic number/roman number/letter/etc (these are both enums from ocean/metadata/metadata_enums.proto). In most cases there is only one numbering range (e.g. "Volume 1, Issue 2"), but in general the ranges may be disjoint (e.g. "Volumes 2, 3 and 7")


  • endNumbering (type: list(String.t), default: nil) -
  • numberType (type: list(integer()), default: nil) -
  • numberingSchema (type: list(integer()), default: nil) -
  • startNumbering (type: list(String.t), default: nil) -





decode(value, options)

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


Link to this type


@type t() ::
    endNumbering: [String.t()] | nil,
    numberType: [integer()] | nil,
    numberingSchema: [integer()] | nil,
    startNumbering: [String.t()] | nil


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decode(value, options)

@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.