
AI Overview😉

  • The potential purpose of this module is to provide information about entrances and exits of physical locations, such as buildings or stores, to help Google understand the accessibility and navigation of these places. This module seems to be part of Google's effort to improve its location-based search results and provide more accurate information to users.
  • This module could impact search results by affecting the ranking and relevance of location-based searches. For example, if a user searches for "coffee shops near me", Google may use this module to determine which coffee shops have entrances that are easily accessible or have specific allowance rules. This could lead to more accurate and relevant search results, especially for users with disabilities or specific needs.
  • To be more favorable for this function, a website may want to provide clear and accurate information about its physical location, including entrance and exit details. This could include providing accessibility information, such as wheelchair ramps or elevators, as well as any specific rules or restrictions for entering or exiting the location. Additionally, websites may want to ensure that their location data is up-to-date and consistent across different platforms and sources.

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GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.GeostoreEntranceProto (google_api_content_warehouse v0.4.0)

This protocol buffer holds entrance-specific attributes for features of type TYPE_ENTRANCE.


  • allowance (type: String.t, default: nil) -
  • canEnter (type: boolean(), default: nil) - DEPRECATED. Please use enter_or_exit instead.
  • canExit (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Whether the target can be entered through this entrance. Whether the target can be exited through this entrance.





decode(value, options)

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


Link to this type


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.GeostoreEntranceProto{
  allowance: String.t() | nil,
  canEnter: boolean() | nil,
  canExit: boolean() | nil


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decode(value, options)

@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.