
AI Overview😉

  • The potential purpose of this module is to configure the display settings for Google Assistant's screen output, ensuring that the content is properly formatted and scaled for different devices and accessibility settings.
  • This module could impact search results by affecting how content is displayed on various devices, such as smartphones or smart home devices with different screen sizes and resolutions. It may prioritize content that is optimized for these devices, making it more accessible and user-friendly.
  • To be more favorable for this function, a website could optimize its content by using responsive design, ensuring that its layout and fonts adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions. Additionally, websites could provide alternative formats for their content, such as scalable vector graphics (SVG) or flexible grid layouts, to accommodate different devices and accessibility settings.

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GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.GoogleAssistantAccessoryV1ScreenOutConfig (google_api_content_warehouse v0.4.0)

Specifies the desired format for the server to use when it returns screen_out response.


  • dimensions (type: GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.GoogleAssistantAccessoryV1ScreenOutConfigDimensions.t, default: nil) - Device dimensions.
  • fontScaleFactor (type: number(), default: nil) - The scale factor used to convert Scalable Pixel (SP) units to Density-independent Pixel (DP) units (DP = SP * scale factor). Fonts are measured in units of SP, and on some platforms such as Android the SP to DP scale factor can be affected by the font size a user selects in accessibility settings.





decode(value, options)

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


Link to this type


@type t() ::
      | nil,
    fontScaleFactor: number() | nil


Link to this function

decode(value, options)

@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.