
AI Overview😉

  • The potential purpose of this module is to analyze and score title candidates for search results. It appears to be a component of Google's search algorithm that evaluates the quality and relevance of title options for a given search query. The module takes into account various factors, such as the title's source, readability, and match with the search query, to determine its suitability for display in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • This module could impact search results by influencing the ranking and selection of title candidates. The scores generated by this module may be used to determine the most relevant and useful title for a given search query, which in turn affects the user's search experience. A high-scoring title may be more likely to be displayed prominently in search results, while a low-scoring title may be demoted or omitted. This could impact the visibility and traffic of websites, as well as the overall quality of search results.
  • A website may change things to be more favorable for this function by optimizing its title tags, meta descriptions, and header structures to better match search queries and user intent. This could include using more descriptive and keyword-rich title tags, creating high-quality and relevant meta descriptions, and structuring content with clear and concise headings. Additionally, ensuring that website content is well-written, easy to read, and free of boilerplate text may also improve the scores generated by this module. By optimizing these elements, a website may increase its chances of being displayed prominently in search results and attracting more traffic.

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GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.QualityPreviewRanklabTitle (google_api_content_warehouse v0.4.0)

A collection of data corresponding to a single title candidate. This will be used as: - a collection of signals to score and select titles in production - an input for training title models NOTE: When adding a floating point value for Ranklab purposes, use float32 instead of float64, because some of the Ranklab library still does not fully support float64. Next ID: 70


  • perTypeRank (type: integer(), default: nil) - Rank of this title among titles of the same data_source_type.
  • goldmineLocationFactor (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • sourceGeneratedTitle (type: boolean(), default: nil) -
  • sourceOffdomainAnchor (type: boolean(), default: nil) -
  • goldmineReadabilityScore (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • queryMatch (type: integer(), default: nil) - The number of (different) terms with a query match. It may include the match with any SQuery node (e.g., synonyms).
  • goldmineUrlMatchFactor (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • percentBodyTitleTokensCovered (type: number(), default: nil) - Numbers of body title tokens covered by this title, in range of [0, 1]. Not set if body title is considered "bad".
  • goldmineGeometryFactor (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • goldmineOnPageDemotionFactor (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • goldmineOtherBoostFeatureCount (type: integer(), default: nil) - The number of BoostFeatures present in AlternativeTitlesGeneator but not populated above.
  • percentTokensCoveredByBodyTitle (type: number(), default: nil) - Numbers of tokens covered by body title, in range of [0, 1]. Not set if body title is considered "bad".
  • hasSiteInfo (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Whether a title contains site information.
  • goldmineHeadingFactor (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • goldmineSiteNameMarkupFactor (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • goldmineSubHeading (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • goldmineFinalScore (type: number(), default: nil) - Deprecated: use goldmine_page_score instead.
  • testRank (type: integer(), default: nil) - The ranking index of this candidate (starting from 0) in test.
  • goldmineHeaderIsH1 (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • goldmineSitenameFactor (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • goldmineHasBoilerplateInTitle (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • isValid (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Whether a title is valid (i.e., not empty).
  • goldmineTitleTagFactor (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • goldmineTrustFactor (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • sourceHeadingTag (type: boolean(), default: nil) -
  • sourceTransliteratedTitle (type: boolean(), default: nil) -
  • dupTokens (type: integer(), default: nil) - Numbers of duplicated tokens. For example, duplicated tokens for a title "dog cat cat cat" is 2 (for 2 extra "cat").
  • text (type: String.t, default: nil) - Title text to display. Populated for debugging purpose only, and won't be used for model inferences. This represetns the exact display text in SERP, with modifications like truncations or site-title appending involved.
  • goldmineSiteQueryFactor (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • goldmineSalientTermFactor (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • goldmineAnchorSupportOnly (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • sourceGeometry (type: boolean(), default: nil) -
  • forcedExperimentScore (type: integer(), default: nil) - A score assigned for candidates forced by experiments.
  • baseRank (type: integer(), default: nil) - The ranking index of this candidate (starting from 0) in base.
  • baseGoldmineFinalScore (type: number(), default: nil) - goldmine_final_score value in base.
  • goldmineIsBadTitle (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • goldmineIsTruncated (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • sourceLocalTitle (type: boolean(), default: nil) -
  • goldmineHasTitleNgram (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • isTruncated (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Whether this title candidate is truncated or not.
  • docLang (type: String.t, default: nil) - Document language for this title. It is used for model inference and hence flattened into RanklabTitle instead of RanklabDoc.
  • testGoldmineFinalScore (type: number(), default: nil) - goldmine_final_score value in test.
  • queryRelevance (type: number(), default: nil) - Deprecated experimental features.
  • goldmineOgTitleFactor (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • sourceTitleTag (type: boolean(), default: nil) - =============================================================== Title candidate's original source information. They are populated only for non-production environment for debugging purposes.
  • sourceOndomainAnchor (type: boolean(), default: nil) -
  • goldmineIsHeadingTag (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • queryMatchFraction (type: number(), default: nil) - A number of matched query terms divided by the number of all terms in query. Synonyms or other terms that appear in squery but not in the raw query are excluded. Takes values in [0, 1].
  • perTypeQuality (type: String.t, default: nil) - How good or bad this title is as a data_source_type title type.
  • goldmineAnchorFactor (type: number(), default: nil) - =============================================================== Internal boost feature signals used to compute goldmine_page_score. They are exposed only for debugging purpose.
  • goldmineNavboostFactor (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • sourceOnsiteAnchor (type: boolean(), default: nil) -
  • goldmineBodyFactor (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • goldmineIsTitleTag (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • widthFraction (type: number(), default: nil) - A rendered width of this title divided by the max allowed width for title. Takes values in [0, 1].
  • dataSourceType (type: String.t, default: nil) - Title source type.
  • goldmineLocalTitleFactor (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • docRelevance (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • goldmineForeign (type: number(), default: nil) -
  • goldminePageScore (type: number(), default: nil) - The score for the text computed in Goldmine (AlternativeTitlesAnnotator).
  • goldmineAdjustedScore (type: number(), default: nil) - The score for text computed in Goldmine (AlternativeTitlesAnnotator) with additional scoring adjustments applied. Currently includes Blockbert scoring.
  • goldmineBlockbertFactor (type: number(), default: nil) -





decode(value, options)

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


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@type t() :: %GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.QualityPreviewRanklabTitle{
  baseGoldmineFinalScore: number() | nil,
  baseRank: integer() | nil,
  dataSourceType: String.t() | nil,
  docLang: String.t() | nil,
  docRelevance: number() | nil,
  dupTokens: integer() | nil,
  forcedExperimentScore: integer() | nil,
  goldmineAdjustedScore: number() | nil,
  goldmineAnchorFactor: number() | nil,
  goldmineAnchorSupportOnly: number() | nil,
  goldmineBlockbertFactor: number() | nil,
  goldmineBodyFactor: number() | nil,
  goldmineFinalScore: number() | nil,
  goldmineForeign: number() | nil,
  goldmineGeometryFactor: number() | nil,
  goldmineHasBoilerplateInTitle: number() | nil,
  goldmineHasTitleNgram: number() | nil,
  goldmineHeaderIsH1: number() | nil,
  goldmineHeadingFactor: number() | nil,
  goldmineIsBadTitle: number() | nil,
  goldmineIsHeadingTag: number() | nil,
  goldmineIsTitleTag: number() | nil,
  goldmineIsTruncated: number() | nil,
  goldmineLocalTitleFactor: number() | nil,
  goldmineLocationFactor: number() | nil,
  goldmineNavboostFactor: number() | nil,
  goldmineOgTitleFactor: number() | nil,
  goldmineOnPageDemotionFactor: number() | nil,
  goldmineOtherBoostFeatureCount: integer() | nil,
  goldminePageScore: number() | nil,
  goldmineReadabilityScore: number() | nil,
  goldmineSalientTermFactor: number() | nil,
  goldmineSiteNameMarkupFactor: number() | nil,
  goldmineSiteQueryFactor: number() | nil,
  goldmineSitenameFactor: number() | nil,
  goldmineSubHeading: number() | nil,
  goldmineTitleTagFactor: number() | nil,
  goldmineTrustFactor: number() | nil,
  goldmineUrlMatchFactor: number() | nil,
  hasSiteInfo: boolean() | nil,
  isTruncated: boolean() | nil,
  isValid: boolean() | nil,
  perTypeQuality: String.t() | nil,
  perTypeRank: integer() | nil,
  percentBodyTitleTokensCovered: number() | nil,
  percentTokensCoveredByBodyTitle: number() | nil,
  queryMatch: integer() | nil,
  queryMatchFraction: number() | nil,
  queryRelevance: number() | nil,
  sourceGeneratedTitle: boolean() | nil,
  sourceGeometry: boolean() | nil,
  sourceHeadingTag: boolean() | nil,
  sourceLocalTitle: boolean() | nil,
  sourceOffdomainAnchor: boolean() | nil,
  sourceOndomainAnchor: boolean() | nil,
  sourceOnsiteAnchor: boolean() | nil,
  sourceTitleTag: boolean() | nil,
  sourceTransliteratedTitle: boolean() | nil,
  testGoldmineFinalScore: number() | nil,
  testRank: integer() | nil,
  text: String.t() | nil,
  widthFraction: number() | nil


Link to this function

decode(value, options)

@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.